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National Black History Month - February 2025

(L-R) Dr. Nita White, Superintendent of Schools, Lauren Anderson - The Houston Ballet's FIRST African American Prima Ballerina, and Shanda Walker, Director of The Varnett East Campus!

Assignment for students to complete after speaker presentation!

(L-R) Dr. Frank Cisneros, Ex Dir of Diverse Learners, Jo Wells Exec Dir of Human Resources, Lauren Anderson, Dr. Nita White Superintendent, and Shanda Walker Director the Varnett East Campus!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Snow Day, January 2025!

Thank you for spreading the word about the great things happening at The Varnett Public School Dr. Cisneros, Ms. Cheri & Ms. Arrendondo! Our 2025 - 2026 school year recruiting season is officially open!

National School of Choice Week kick-off!

Dr. Cisneros, Ms. Arrendondo, & Ms. Cheri representing The Varnett Public School at kick-off for National School of Choice week!

A Varnett Southwest campus alum is excited to pose with Southwest Director, Tawanna Cheri! Once an eagle, always an eagle!!!

Check us out at campus carnival events coming to a Varnett Public School campus near you!!! Three locations serving the greater Houston area!

Welcome Back from Superintendent, Dr. Nita White! We Are One!!!

Our fearless leader, Superintendent Dr. Nita White stopped in for a holiday cheer photo!

Our newest Board of Directors member, Dr. Susan Sclafani stopped by to spread holiday cheer!

Thank you for spreading joy from the Region IV Service Center, Ms. Dolores Trevino!

Welcome Ms. Cheri, with that Southwest Campus spirit!

Welcome Ms. Walker, bringing East Campus Spirit!

Our very own Northeast Leader, Ms. Rainey bringing that holiday spirit!

Then the door decorating contest...yes, Ms. Rainey stole the show with an amazing display at the Northeast campus!

Our HR Specialist, Ms. Simon is always full of joy!

From the Academics office, Ms. Tegria Jones with holiday cheer!

Our district Lead Counselor, Ms. Benton is a joy for all!

Our cheer team spread excitement and school spirit on campus and at events!

Women in Tech Conference!

We've got that Varnett school spirit!

We love Zest activity days!

Women in Technology Conference!

First Day of School 2024! Welcome Back!

Members from the East Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. present donations to Ms. Rainie for students at The Varnett Northeast Campus. Thank you!

Members from the East Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. present donations to Ms. Rainie for students at The Varnett Northeast Campus. Thank you!

First day of school activities 2024!

First Day of School 2024 - Welcome Back!

Mrs. Amos welcoming 8th grade students to their last 1st day of middle school!

Daily breakfast served on the way into class!

First week of school, 2024!

Convocation 2024! Thank you Dr. Nita White for casting the vision of excellence! (L-R Dr. Ingrid Haynes, Northeast Director Ms. Rainey, Superintendent Dr. Nita White, Southwest Director Mrs. Cheri, East Director Mrs. Walker)

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