Updated plans for reopening on September 11

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We are ready to reopen on September 11, 2017. If you have not enrolled yet, you may enroll on September 11 or call 713-667-4051 for further information regarding enrollment or transportation.  Please review the following information carefully so that opening date runs very smoothly.

Southeast Campus


The building for our Southeast campus is not ready yet, but we are still welcoming our students from that area. Varnett will provide transportation from the Southeast area to our Southwest campus located at 5025 S. Willow Dr.  As we enroll more students, bus stops will be added. The current bus schedules are listed below.


If you currently have a Varnett uniform, you are to wear it as outlined in our dress code. If you do not have a Varnett uniform, this policy is waived until January 2018. If you have it available, you may wear blue pants/blue shorts with white/green polo shirt.  All students must wear closed toe shoes and a belt with pants.

East Campus


The East campus was hit hardest and will not be available for students on September 11. We are announcing temporary changes to our bus transportation plan.

  • All East students will be transported to the Northeast campus.
  • We will have one bus route to pick up East students who are farthest away.
  • Additional buses will pick up students in the East campus parking lot at 7:45 a.m. Students will be supervised at this location.
  • The same East students will board buses at to return to the East Campus at 3:45 p.m. when they will be picked up by parents or guardians.
  • All students will continue to be served breakfast and lunch at the Northeast campus.

I will keep you informed about the cleanup and rebuilding process.

Southwest Campus

Displaced East and Northeast students who have relocated to the Southwest campus service area may apply for transportation service at Southwest. The signup will take place on September 11 for those students only and will continue until all spaces are full. The bus routes for Southwest students will not change.

We recognize the hardships families are facing in the aftermath of the hurricane. Thank you for making The Varnett Public School your school of choice, and we thank you for your continued patience. We will update you when developments occur.

Dr. Margaret Stroud

Superintendent of Schools
